There goes 2018! I feel like I've almost lost all concept of time because the year seemed to fly right by me.

This year I made some amazing strides in both business and my personal life.

I found myself. I found my VOICE. And my life is forever changed by it.

I shot my first surrogate birth this year and had to send a backup for the very first time because I had two clients go into labor at almost the exact same time and have their baby within an hour of each other.

I missed one birth completely thanks to a precipitous labor - mom barely made it to the hospital herself!

A birth where baby was born only 25 minutes after I arrived and one where I was with the family for 29 straight hours. Births at hospitals, birth centers, and homes...I even created my own lane for shooting what I imagined a birth of a slave in the United States might have looked like. And they were all amazing!

I had the honor and privilege of being invited to attend 13 births in 2018.

I wanted to share some of my favorite images from them here.

april 10th - Olea

April 14th - Kingston

April 17th - Jace

September 1st - Bodevan

September 7th - Leia Claire

September 17th - Knox

October 9th - Samuel

October 9th - Cozy

October 29th - Scarlett

November 14th - Erielle

December 3rd - Fae

December 5th - Easton

December 6th - Brandon Jr.


Elaine - Her Black is Beautiful


The Birth of Brandon Jr.