A Collection of Self Portraits

Many are aware of my ongoing self portrait work dating back to like 2014.I don't think I've ever actually blogged about any really, though.Now seems as good a time as any since my latest self portrait was chosen as THE COVER PHOTO for Dear Photographer Magazine's next issue!OMG!

I woke up that morning, like I do most other mornings that I so a selfie, and decided that day was selfie day. I knew I wanted to do something different and bright and make use of color theory. So I grabbed my new favorite skirt, a shirt my little sister gave me and went to town in front of a pink seamless backdrop.

For the photographers interested in my lighting set up for this:window light to camera left, flash bounced to the wall directly behind the camera, and OCF in a soft box to camera right.

I got the appearance of motion in the skirt by simply raising and dropping it in different ways until I got it right.

Also, I shot with my camera on "interval timer mode", so no remote.

Edited using my own Melanated Film presets(x2)So, I used one of my presets, then pulled the image into PS to edit some details, then pulled it back into LR and applied the preset again to give it a more punchy color.

That evening, the theme for the issue was announced -- "colorful" -- and it turned out that this photo was PERFECT to submit.I DEFINITELY did not think that it was cover-worthy at all...so I was so surprised and humbled when it was chosen.

Here's the photo, it's my new favorite selfie..lol:

And here are some more from 2018:

And here's some of my favorites from past years in no particular order:

Interested in learning the basics of Self Portraiture, check out this PDF Workshop.


The Birth of Bodevan


Sadiee - A Sarasota Creek Maternity Session