Feeling Nostalgic - Tampa Bay Birth Photographer

Why in the world did it take me 15 months to fully go through these!?!

Our daughter is now a very vocal, active toddler and after being a part of the Prego Expo yesterday and seeing all of those mommies waiting to meet their babies, I was reminded of the last time I felt that feeling...

the last time I would EVER feel that feeling.

So here is a glimpse into my own, most recent, birth story...

(I had put my dad on camera duty that day- because obviously I was busy trying to have a baby- , he took most of the photos you see here...I did adjust the camera settings the best I could..and then edited all of them though...not too bad for a dad of a photographers...haha! - he had like 50% of them in focus... 😂)


A Glimpse into an Average Afternoon


7 Common Misconceptions About Birth Photography