The Birth of Layla Marie

On October 20th, 2016, Deja began her birth journey.This is her story:

On Thursday, October 20, 2016, I went into my final Ob appointment hoping I had progressed from the 1 cm dilation I was the week before. As I was laying on the table with my fingers crossed hoping she would say I was at least 2 1/2 cm dilated, she says “yeah no you're going to have to go in tonight, your cervix hasn't changed one bit.” So many thoughts began running through my head. All this time I had been preparing my self to be induce on Friday, October 21 and here is my doctor telling me get my things together because they were admitting me tonight! I was happy because I knew this is the moment I had waited 9 months for and it meant I was 1 step closer to meeting my baby girl. I was also nervous and scared because I was about to experience something I have never experience before.

After arriving to the hospital an hour and half late because I wanted to enjoy a big dinner from Cheddar’s that I had to scarf down in the car, it was finally time to get things going. While sitting in the lobby waiting for our room, we listened and gazed at different families waiting for the new member of the family to be welcomed into the world. I could only imagine that in a few short hours it would be my family in their position awaiting the arrival of baby Layla Marie.

When my name was called I could have ran to our room. We meet our amazing nursing staff that would be assisting us with the induction that evening. We reviewed our birthing plan, talked about the what the induction process would look like and went over all the hospital nitty gritty. At about 10pm I was hooked to all the monitors and was given my first dose of cytotec, let the contractions begin. WRONG! I was given cytotec from 10 pm until 6am the next morning and got not one real contraction. At 10 amon Friday my nurse checked my checked my cervix to find that I had only dilated to 2 cm after being given 4 doses of cytotec. I started to feel like Layla would never come out. I was started on Pitocin and immediately started getting intense contractions.

At around 2:30pm doctor came and could see that I was totally uncomfortable from the contractions and offered me an epidural. I of course wanted to stick to my birth plan and go natural for as long as possible. I kindly told my doctor No! She told me that she was going to break my water to get thing moving a little faster and if I was absolutely sure I did not want to get the epidural. I was looking at her like why is she pushing me to get the epidural before she breaks my water. I mean I know things were going to progress quicker once she broke my water but I was doing good bearing the pain. Well, I should have took her advice because as soon as she broke my water I immediately started getting the worst contractions I could have ever imagine. On a scale from 1 to 10 my pain went from being a 4 to 1,000!!! I swore I was going to pass out. Before the doctor could have even walked out the room I was literally begging and screaming for the epidural. My contractions were started to come back to back. Had to be less than a minute apart! I was now dilated to 6 cm.

The anesthesiologist came with the epidural in what felt 2 hours in about 30 mins. I had never been so happy to see someone with a huge needle that would stabbed into my spine. I thought all my pain and suffering would be all gone…WRONG AGAIN! The epidural was not working for me at all. I was given 2 to 3 extra dose of medication for the epidural just to take to edge of the contractions. The nurse could not understand why I was still in so much pain after receiving the epidural they decided to check me again and at this point I had jumped from 6 cm to 10 cm in 30mins. It was time to start pushing. I Immediately began super overwhelmed with emotions because it only meant that in a few short moments I will become face to face to my daughter!

I gave the doctor one good push and things turn for the worst Layla’s heart rate started to decline with every push and the doctor became concerned that her umbilical cord may have been wrapped around her neck. At this point I became so scared for the safety of my unborn baby.

I immediately told the doctor to do whatever he needed to do make sure me and my baby were going to be ok. They immediately got me ready for an emergency c section.

I was taken back to the operating room and was prep for surgery. After intense pressure, tugging and pushing, I hear the most magical sound, the cries of my beautiful baby girl who was born at 6:39pm on October 21, 2016, via caesarean section. She was a good 7lbs 2oz and 20 inches long. When they brought Layla to me and I laid eyes on her for the first time all I could do is cry. It was LOVE at first sight. I know we can’t always know what medical surprises may come about during labor and delivery.

Although mine didn't go as I hoped it would, giving birth to Layla was definitely one of the hardest and scariest thing I have ever done but is it my greatest achievement! Layla is our greatest gift and we are beyond blessed:)

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The Birth of Kenzo - A Film


Maternity Life | Waiting on Layla Marie