The Birth of Zoey - A Birth Film

This week I had the amazing honor to be able to witness another beautiful birth!This was a birth center birth at the gorgeous Labor of Love birth center.

Just a heads up, this film is definitely NSFW.There is nudity.Some blood.And a strong mama pushing a baby out of her vagina.If you aren't okay with any of that, then I don't recommend you clicking "play".

And of course, this post has been 100% approved for sharing by mama.

A little back story that the film doesn't tell...When mom arrived at the birth center on the morning of July 10th, she was 8 cm dilated.Baby Zoey didn't make her appearance until the wee hours of the morning of July 11th (my youngest son's birthday).She weighed 7lbs 11oz (which I find pretty awesome because she was born on 7/11)


But first, some photos.

Okay, now to the film:


 Interested in having your baby’s birth documented? Click here to learn more about booking your own birth coverage.


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